Review your investment strategy regularly and adjust as your goals or the market conditions change

Reviewing and adjusting an investment strategy regularly is an essential component of prudent financial management. Here’s a brief unpacking of why this is crucial:

1. **Alignment with Goals**: Over time, personal objectives evolve due to changes in life circumstances such as marriage, the birth of a child, career progression, or approaching retirement. By periodically assessing your investment strategy, you can ensure that your portfolio continues to reflect your current financial goals and time horizons.

2. **Market Dynamics**: Financial markets are known for their volatility and are influenced by a multitude of factors, including economic cycles, governmental policies, and global events. By staying abreast of these changes, investors can adjust their portfolios to mitigate risk or capitalize on new opportunities.

3. **Risk Tolerance**: As you approach major milestones such as retirement, your appetite for risk may decrease, prompting a shift from high-risk, high-reward investments to more conservative options to preserve capital.

4. **Performance Analysis**: Regular reviews allow you to analyze the performance of your investments, compare them with your expectations, and the relevant benchmarks. This can inform decisions to rebalance or to alter investment choices that are underperforming or not meeting your needs.

5. **Tax Implications**: Tax laws may change, and periodically reviewing your investment strategy can help in taking advantage of tax-efficient investment options and strategies to minimize tax liability.

6. **Cost Efficiency**: Investigating fees and costs associated with your investments is critical. Overlooked fees can erode returns over time. A regular strategy review could uncover opportunities to reduce fees without compromising on performance.

7. **Rebalancing**: Over time, some investments may outperform others, creating an imbalance in your portfolio that drifts away from your intended asset allocation. Regularly rebalancing your portfolio helps maintain the desired level of risk.

8. **Lifecycle Funds**: For those invested in target-date or lifecycle funds, it’s still important to review these periodically as they are not one-size-fits-all and may not align perfectly with your changing risk tolerance and investment horizons.

9. **New Investment Products**: The financial market often introduces new investment products. Regular reviews keep you educated about these products and help determine if they have a place in your investment strategy.

10. **Regulatory Changes**: Regulatory changes can have an impact on your investments. Staying informed about these changes can protect you from negative consequences or open up new opportunities.

To conclude, by reviewing your investment strategy regularly and making necessary adjustments, you ensure that your investments are working as hard as they can for you, in line with your changing life and economic conditions. It is often recommended to engage in this practice at least annually or whenever a significant life event occurs. However, overly frequent adjustments may lead to overtrading and can incur unnecessary costs and taxes, so investors should strike a balance and act based on informed decisions.

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